Welcome to Ffrind i Mi/Friend of Mine

Everyone, at some time in their life, has felt alone, vulnerable or wished that they had more company. Isolation or feeling lonely can affect anyone at any age and at any time. For example, after the loss of a loved one, on leaving the armed forces, retiring, or moving away. Watch our film to hear what people said to us.
People cope with life events in different ways. For some, going out and spending time in the company of friends really helps. For others, having someone visit them makes such a big difference. But sometimes, people may not like to ask or do not know who to ask for support or advice. Listening to peoples stories has really helped us to better understand what we need to do to better support people.
Working with our partners and existing befriending services, we are aiming to recruit as many volunteers as possible to support those who are lonely and/or isolated. If you would like to become a volunteer and help us combat loneliness and isolation, or you would like more information about volunteering, please contact us.

What people say about loneliness
"Befriending schemes are hugely important to reduce loneliness and isolation amongst older people. Befriending services, usually undertaken by volunteers, have the aim of alleviating social isolation, as well as preventing or reducing loneliness and depression". - Older People's Commissioner for Wales.
This page contain's people stories. Individual's who spoke to us have told us their lived experience of loneliness and isolation at some point in their lives. There are also short films from others with an interest in this growing issue. Please click on the photographs below to listen to what they have said, to find out what their views are on the benefits of befriending, and what we may need to do as society to reconnect people with their communities.
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